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How to write commercial content for your product to sell them ?

How to write commercial content for your product to sell them ?

The  definition of commercial content 
When we talk about commercial content, we can consider it as an important needed skill  for any person market for any product whoever businessman, owner, marketeer or content creator at any seo agency whatever the type of content piece.
From here we can define commercial content as a special way which is used to promote a product or services  according to the targeted audience and their mindset.

The powerful of commercial content 

 Generally in your life  if you want to get more close  from any person, you have to try to learn more about his/ her character like what he/ she loves, how he thinks about  the future, how he takes his decisions, what he puts in consideration before taking any action and so on, after that you will be  able to communicate with them perfectly and know their needs.

From this concept, the commercial content is a very necessary part  of any seo company, as you connect with your target audience that you know their needs well with the favourite tone of voice for them and with suitable call to action which will help you more to convince them with your product or services.

How to write perfect commercial content to your product?

There is no fixed followed steps that you can do to write  good promotional or commercial content, as It depends on the product or service, brand, and the target group and so on, but there are several rules that you can follow to get the most use of your content and reach in the best  way to your audience offering your product or services and showing them how it match with their needs which will lead you to sell well.
Follow us in the next lines to learn more about  the basics of commercial content to help your seo company selling more :
The basic rules for a commercial content 
1. Define your target audience
Basically  your goal is to sell more and reach your product or services to your audience then purchase it.the more you get your target audience that you are sure they need your services or product the more you gain or sell 

2. Define your audience needs by asking
 There are  frequently questions that have been asked by your targeted  audience that you have to know them and try to find solutions or answers, so When you promote a product, consider what the actual customer's question is. Filter the main question and sub-questions, as it help you to develop your content and build trust with your actual audience.

Main question examples

  • Where can I find a cheap microwave
  • How do I find a stylish and reliable microwave
  • With which I assure myself of a reasonable price and quality ratio when purchasing a microwave
All three answers require a different commercial text.
3. Use specific tone of voice 
Before writing your content you have to know that every group of  audience has a specific tone of voice or language to connect with them and offer your service or product perfectly,  finally it’s all about which sentence structure and words you use to sell.
4. concepts are more important than  details.
During your content try to make a combination between details and concepts, try to avoid more details which may lead you to make a mistake or to make the audience getting bored so try to focus on useful details and  find the golden mean between container concepts and details.
5. Never break down the competition
Sometimes we think about  the performance of our business considering it perfect but maybe it is because of your  competitor's low performance. In both cases, you miss a chance to take your potential customer or reader with them as to why they should purchase your offer.
6. Consider SEO as your magic tool
You have to write your content depending on SEO worthy, to avoid missing out on free visitors, maybe you know SEO well  but not use it yet. Which means you missed a magic great opportunity to improve you performance and build your community.
7. Answer your audience questions
The more you analyse your target audience the more you know  their behaviour which will enable you to answer the main question or  answer the most important side-questions that your reader or potential buyer may have, that is help you to build community of your targeted audience and build trust with them what assures you more leads.

Why do we choose content marketing or commercial content?

Before answering the previous questions you have to know first  if content marketing is right for your business or not, to find out, let’s take a look at some recent and relevant content marketing data.
In the end, we’ll try to answer the questions: Is commercial content right for you? 
Yes, as it will help you To:
improve your SEO efforts

Commercial content   plays an important role  in helping your business build and improve search engine optimization (SEO), which plays an important part in improving visibility for your business online, so  if you want to improve SEO, you need to create optimized commercial content.
Effective way to bring in new leads

The basic target for any startup or new business owner to get more leads and make profits as they  rely on consistent traffic to grow their brand and boost sales and commercial content is not only great for lead generation, but it’s also affordable.
Let’s say The affordability of content marketing makes it a necessary tactic for small businesses that want to maximize their budget,as content marketing costs about 62% less than traditional marketing tactics, it generates about 3 times as many leads, according to when it comes to creating quality content, a little can go a long way. 
The way to  influence conversions.
According to many sources when it comes to improving website conversions:
-Content marketing provides conversion rates about 6 times higher than other digital marketing methods. 
-After reading recommendations on a blog, 61% of online consumers in the U.S. then decided to make a purchase. 
-According to 74% of companies surveyed, content marketing has increased their marketing leads, both in quantity and quality. 
-Video content can help provide a great ROI and significantly increase conversions, according to 72% of businesses surveyed. 
-Inbound marketers are able to double the average site conversion rate (from 6 to 12%), in part due to their content marketing efforts.


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الزي الموحد فى المدارس

أسباب تخلى الزي الموحد مهم جدا فى المدارس: تشير دراسة أجريت عام 2005،  إلى أن الزي الموحد المدرسي في بعض مدارس أوهايو قد يحسن معدلات التخرج والحضور. ليه فيه ناس شايفة ان الزي الموحد فى المدارس مهم لانه بيتحقق منه المنافع دى: • تشجيع الانضباط • مساعدة الطلاب على مقاومة ضغط الاهالى لشراء الملابس العصرية • المساعدة في تحديد الدخلاء في المدرسة • تقلیل الحواجز الاقتصادیة والاجتماعیة بین الطلاب • زيادة الشعور بالانتماء وفخر المدرسة • تحسين الحضور الدول الاجنبية بتعمل ايه فى دول اجنبية كتير الطلاب بيشتغلوا بعد المدرسة علشان يوفروا مصروف للمعيشة. و في كثير من الأحيان هذه الرواتب تذهب على الملابس لانهم بيهتموا بمظهرهم ومش بيدخروا للمستقبل أو لبعض الأهداف الأولية الأخرى. اما بقى فى حالة ما اذا كان الاهل هما اللى لسة بيصرفوا على الابن سواء كان سنه صغير او كانت هى دى العادات زي فى مصر والسعودية والدول العربية فا الزي الموحد فى المدارس بيكون موفر جدا جدا للاهل اللى مش هيكونوا محتاجين كل شوية يجيبوا ملابس جديدة للابناء فى سبيل انهم يظهروا بمظهر لائق امام زملائهم. ...