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عرض المشاركات من ديسمبر 22, 2017

Laser teeth whitening method and its benefits

Why to whitening your teeth Did you ever wondered why the celebrities teeth are so white? well, the answer is because most of them go to a dentist and whitening their teeth. so if you want to get such a white and great teeth, all you have to do is to go to a dentist and ask him for his whitening services. Teeth whitening can be made in two ways: Chemical methods Laser Teeth Whitening Dr. Ahmed Al-Husseini explained that laser teeth whitening is the best and this is the reason: Laser tooth whitening does not affect the natural teeth or their natural shape Bleaching is done by placing the bleach and then exposing the teeth to the laser to give a natural and attractive shape of the teeth, which gives a good appearance

How to brush your teeth and what pain killers to use

The right way to brush your teeth we spoke with dr. Ahmed ElHusseiny and asked him about the right way to do it and that's what he told us: There are a lot of guidelines you need to follow Put the brush on the teeth at a 45 degree angle without approaching the gums, and start moving the brush in a way like a light massage on the teeth from the inside and outside Do not try to wash your gums hard Use a soft toothbrush when you're about to brush your teeth, otherwise you will hurt them. Then we asked him about teeth pain killers In some cases of dental pain, some resort of home pain relievers Dr. Ahmed al-Husseini explains the usefulness of these painkillers and whether they are true or illusion - There are no so-called natural painkillers for dental pain - The placement of an aspirin tablet on teeth or pain can cause gum infections and can cause long-term damage from its use. - Cloves do not cause pain - It is advisable to go to a specialist dentist so that...

Causes of delayed puberty of girls and treatment

Delayed puberty Many questions were asked about the most important problems facing girls in adulthood Dr. Ismail Mustafa believes that one of the problems is delayed puberty itself, and divided into a psychological problem or a physical problem In most cases of delayed puberty between the ages of 14 and 16 years of the girl begins to concern the family and go to doctors, but at that age can treat delayed puberty only through hormones, which should not be used before the age of 19 years. What about after the age of 19 After the age of 19, the doctor can determine whether the delay was normal or that there is a disease in need of treatment by analyzing the proportion of hormones in the body and know whether there is laziness in the glands do not work to be surgical intervention or give hormones industrial. Mothers must spread awareness Psychological problems need awareness from the mother, and the need to explain to her daughter what puberty and the new stage that will ...

Tips to avoid epileptic seizures

What we should do to avoid epileptic seizures We made an interview with Dr. Mohamed Abdel Hadi to talk with him about epileptic seizures and to ask him about what we should do and what tips we should know to avoid it. Dr. Mohamed Abdel Hadi offers tips to avoid epileptic seizures In the case of patients who are regularly on the treatment and carry out periodic analyzes, they can lead their lives normally, provided that they are not exposed to direct lights and approaches An epileptic patient should not practice violent sports In case of irregular treatment, watching a movie in the cinema or participating in video games on phones can lead to exposure to direct lights and convulsions What we learned Our health is very very important so don't be careless with it or you will regret.

The correct way to clean your teeth

You've been cleaning your teeth in a wrong way The conventional way of washing teeth is not correct because it causes tooth decay, loss of the prominent part of the teeth, eating, sensitivity and tooth decay Dr. Tarek Farid explains the correct way to clean teeth: Dental washing takes only one minute, with each quarter of teeth being washed in 30 seconds. When you begin to wash the teeth start at the top of them from top to bottom through the confluence of the lips with the gums at a angle of 45 degrees with a frequency of 4 to 8 movements. The inner part is washed the same way The study surfaces are washed vertically The lower part of the tooth is repeated the same way with it The need to use a soft brush for those suffering from gum infections, pregnant women or medium-rough mattresses. Choose good brands because their shape and design have a certain way of washing between the teeth and the entire surfaces. The conclusion  Cleaning teeth is very very important...

The only way to treat tooth decay

How can we treat tooth decay Many people wonder about whether continuous dental washing can eliminate tooth decay if it appears. Dr. Tarek Farid replies that caries is classified as a non-treatable disease, and must be removed through the "hole" performed by the dentist and compensated by platinum filler or laser. Continuous dental washing can help increase the length of time tooth decay can be spread but not treated. Ignoring tooth decay can be dangerous Dr. Tarek Farid also warned us that ignoring any tooth decay can be dangerous and cause a great pain that we can't handle. When you start feeling pain or suspect that you have a tooth decay then don't hesitate to visit a dentist and start treating this decay immediately. 

العلاج بالاشعاع للورم - علاجات لسرطان الثدي

العلاج بالاشعاع للورم العلاج بالاشعاع للورم للورم له دور هام في علاج جميع مراحل سرطان الثدي لأنه فعال جدا وموثوق بها بشكل آمن. وقد يكون من المناسب للأشخاص الذين يعانون من مرحلة 0 من خلال المرحلة الثالثة سرطان الثدي بعد استئصال الورم أو استئصال الثدي. الإشعاع يمكن أيضا أن تكون مفيدة جدا للأشخاص الذين يعانون من سرطان المرحلة الرابعة التي انتشرت إلى أجزاء أخرى من الجسم. بعد استئصال الورم ويوصى العلاج الإشعاعي لمعظم الناس الذين لديهم استئصال الورم (استئصال الورم بالإضافة إلى الإشعاع يسمى أحيانا جراحة الحفاظ على الثدي). محاولات الإشعاع لتدمير أي الخلايا السرطانية التي قد تكون قد تركت في الثدي بعد إزالة الورم. وعادة ما يوصي الطبيب استئصال الورم تليها إشعاع الثدي كله إذا كان السرطان هو: مرحلة مبكرة 4 سم أو أصغر وتقع في موقع واحد مع إزالة هوامش واضحة بع د استئصال الثدي قد ينصح العلاج الإشعاعي بعد استئصال الثدي لتدمير أي مكالمات الثدي التي قد تبقى في موقع استئصال الثدي. خلال إزالة الثدي، فإنه من الصعب أن تأخذ كل خلية من أنسجة الثدي، وخاصة الأنسجة وراء الجلد أمام الثدي أو الظهر ع...